Hi Everyone!
Wow, we have had a whirlwind few weeks...first in Nashville, Tennessee for their first ever Art Is....You, then a business trip and then off to Dublin, Ohio for Artiscape. We had amazing adventures along our way and met some wonderful new friends and reconnected with friends we have known and loved for years. Beautiful art was created by all, lovely vendor items beckoned us and our wallets and the comaraderie was effervescent! We cannot wait until next year to see all of you in Tennessee and Ohio again!
The first quarter of this year has seen lots of changes, choices and decisions being made. In this process I am having to learn to be grateful for what is and to let go of what will never be. It has been a journey of a couple of years, an ongoing journey, but it seems like the time has just flown by as I have progressed through the various steps that needed to be taken.
I think the most important thing about my journey is that my art and creativity is a continuous saving grace in my every day life. It is there when I pound pencil to paper breaking lead and more than scratching the surface and it is there when simple glue and paper is enough to quiet the inner fears, concerns and worries.
I have started an unusual journal in which I have written several "gestalt letters". I have collected words of wisdom from Pinterest....what a wonderful place to find just the right phrase for the moment (you see a spattering of them in this post).
I have, in some ways, matured and grown up and into my art. With the shedding of old ideas, concerns, fears and worries I have opened myself up to new experiences, deepening of friendships and I can feel the creative side of me following closely.
I have learned that there will be those that will always seek to bring you down, to create in you someone that you are not and who will always treat you as a scapegoat. More importantly than that is that I have learned that I can forgive them and myself for placing me in those situations. Creativity and Tom's great cookies help with the realization that I am worthy regardless of what anyone else thinks, feels or says. Quite simply....I am worthy.
Tom has been my biggest supporter and fan. We have driven thousands and thousands of miles together. I know he has my back and that he only ever wants what is best for me. I feel the same about him. My friends, my inner circle, my tribe....when I look at all of us I see those same qualities. Generosity, beautiful spirits, giving natures, open hearts and pure acceptance. It is a wondrous thing to behold and be a part of.
We have already had two swaps completed over on the NING group, The Art of Altering...a tag swap and a tussie mussie swap. Gorgeous creations.
May 5th kicks off the first new class of the year - The Altered Vessel. Beautiful altered bottles done in my artistic style with organic soldering and some other unusual touches.
The daffodils have bloomed, the Dogwoods are almost finished and the trees are covered in the green that only newness brings in the Springtime. It is one of my most favorite times of the year and is clearly a reflection of my soul this season. We will be listing items in the Etsy shop over the next weekend as we sort and go through boxes from Ohio. Looking forward to cleaning house in the studio as well. Eeek!!
I hope your Spring has been wonderful and filled with new beginnings, new hope and new blessings.
Lesley V.
Posted by: kecia | 04/27/2013 at 07:16 PM