On Friday, our Clancy boy went to be with his sister Maggie. It was one of those decisions that was both hard and easy....I can't think of any other way to say it. So hard to say goodbye to such an important part of your family but made easier knowing it was the best thing for them.
Clancy Boy
Clancy, who was 11, and Maggie, who we lost when she was 9, came to us as puppies, brother and sister, two fluffy bundles of joy who stole our hearts and wrapped us immediately around their little paws. Sitting here now I can't even fathom the loss and thinking of the hole that is left makes my chest constrict with the pain.
Maggie & Clancy - Together From The Beginning
They were faithful and loyal and everything that you've ever read a good dog should be. They were happy and goofy and playful and little terrors and we loved them and they loved us. We were all loved and that is what is important here. Important for me to remember, important for me to know......important.
Maggie & Clancy.....Together Still
On Sunday, what would have been my Daddy's birthday, the memories of him were mixed with the sadness of our loss of Clancy but then a peace came. I could see Clancy and Maggie with Daddy and his dog, Butch. I could see all of them happy and pain free and loved.
I could see Kecia's fur baby Kirby there with them too....everyone showing Clancy the places to explore, I could see the breeze ruffling their fur, the smile in their eyes and at that moment I didn't care if it was a Rainbow Bridge, or an open meadow or a warm hearth or the kind hand of a loved one gone before. It only mattered that we had loved them through this life and loved them enough to help them pass to the next one when their time had come. It mattered only that we had loved them with us and that we loved them still, so much, in their absence and that they had known that we did and do.
I am selfish, I would have all that I love here with me for always but it doesn't work that way and I would not give up one moment of time with them to be rid of the pain that is felt now. Not one moment.
Rest In Peace our golden fur babies....you are loved, missed and remembered.
Lesley V.
Oh Lesley, you have moved me to tears with your touching post about your family. Yes they were, and always will be family...they will remember the love you gave them both...feel proud of the love you and Tom shared with your babies...so many unfortunate dogs never experience that,
Sending hugs darling xxx
Posted by: Dawn Gold | 09/05/2012 at 02:50 PM
With tears streaming down my cheeks, I read and loved every word. I just lost my 16-year-old Chippie (super sweet kitty) on Friday Aug 24. Some people won't have pets because of the pain we feel when we lose them. I pray I never spend a day without a cat here to love and to love me back. My life would be so empty without them.
Posted by: Patty D | 09/05/2012 at 03:55 PM
Beautifully written. Anyone who has loved a pet can feel your pain.
Posted by: Janet Ghio | 09/05/2012 at 04:17 PM
My heart aches for you. I know the pain all too well. You will be reunited one day, of that I am sure, until then they are young again, pain free, playing and waiting patiently for you ((Hug))
Posted by: Marsha | 09/05/2012 at 05:22 PM
Oh Lesley, I'm so very sorry. The time we have with our fur babies is just precious. What a gift they give us, of such unconditional love. My heart goes out to you!
Posted by: Lexi Grenzer | 09/05/2012 at 05:44 PM
Lesley, so sorry to here about your sweet furry friend leaving you. I have been through the loss of several pets of my own so I know how much you miss them. I have a sweet pair now that I know I will have to part with in a few years and I am not looking forward to loosing their companionship! There is just nothing like those sweet puppy dog kisses! Hugs to you, Stephani
Posted by: Stephani Gorman | 09/05/2012 at 08:40 PM
I'm so sorry you've lost your baby. He and his sister can run and jump together now; one day you will see them again and it will be a joyous occasion. My heartfelt condolences to you....
Posted by: Wanda Eash | 09/08/2012 at 05:17 PM
Merci beaucoup vous écrire cet article, il me fait du bien.
Posted by: sac a main longchamp | 09/10/2012 at 06:18 AM
Oh, Lesley, I am so sorry and totally understand the pain of losing a faithful companion. I,myself, do not want to think of that day I have to make such a hard decision. But you're right.. as hard as it is for us, it is equally hard to see them in pain. What always helps me, is that movie with Robin Williams- What Dreams May Come. I believe that is the title of it. In it, he visits heaven and dashing over the bridge to see him are his dogs... healthy, young, and happy to see him. That will be my heaven!! As well as it will be yours!
Posted by: kadee | 09/10/2012 at 09:14 AM