Hi Everyone,
Yay, it's Friday!!! I'm looking forward to this weekend as my friend Kecia will be staying with us on her way back home after visiting with her son, Dillon, in Florida. Tom has been planning menus, well kind of, and he is ready to be our cook. He already has orders to not make his coffee as strong as he normally does.
Bennie is eager to see his Aunt Kecia as well. He has a sock that she left him after her last visit that he plays with all of the time. He loves his Aunt Kecia!
~~Little Bennie Waiting On Aunt Kecia~~
We are going to be talking video recorders, video recording and programs used as she prepares to be a part of the Artful Gathering Online Retreat in 2012 too. I love that retreat and cannot wait for it to get rolling!!!
On my work table this weekend I have my soldering iron, some little tins, charms and a few other odds and ends. I've been enjoying a bit of a creative time and I am LOVING it!
Don't forget to sign up for one of my Creative Bundle online classes if you need a few ideas for some beautiful handmade gifts that won't cost you an arm and a leg to create or learn. See my post a couple of days ago if you are interested. <smile>
It's a good day today and I hope you are enjoying many blessings!
thinking of you and the fun you will have with kecia....try not to laugh yourselves silly!!!!
PS: I am on my way to sign for those classes: too good to miss.
Posted by: Sharon W | 11/05/2011 at 11:02 AM