I am a self taught mixed media artist and instructor living in Virginia with my Husband and our family of fur babies. I love all things vintage and strive to use those discarded bits of artistic flotsam and jetsum in my creations. I also love finding those treasures that others can use to feather their souls and their nests so please check out my Etsy Shop as well. Thank you for stopping by.

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Susan Gerdy

I can relate on the fact that I let myself get pulled in directions I don't always chose. I am trying hard to decide each day, what I think I would like to accomplish and what I where I want the day to go. I was letting too many people pull me away from my art. But it was my fault. I have had to learn to say no and it is not easy. Like you said, if we add to that the other personal issues we have to deal with and that our lives are not all that others think they are. Each day all we can do is take control of ourselves. Make our own decisions. I have gotten more art done this past week than in ages.
hugs, susan


Congrats to you for doing the right thing. We all make get pulled into things from time to time and we all make mistakes along the way. You were brave to reach out and apologize. You cannot control how they respond only for how you reach out.

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Leslie V

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